10 March 1976
Brian Beals read Hebrews 9, beginning with verse 11. He closed the devotion with prayer.
John Ogilvie reported Mr. Woods had paid more money on our North Plains property with promises to keep up the payments on the contract.
Frances Carr, in her absence, sent the Outreach Committee report, which was accepted.
There has been no answer from Janet Gathright as to what her present desire is concerning her membership here.
Letters have been written to the Alleys and Lingerfelters. A letter had been received from Rick Alley and Pastor Jim said the business in it had been taken care of.
Ernie Pearson said $200 had been sent to Trang and Van and $25 to Ngoc for monthly incidentals.
Nadine Asher sent a good report from the Christian Education Committee. Thirty-one people from age 7 months to over 60 years enjoyed the family hike up Eagle Creek. Six people took part last Sunday in Scripture memorization.
John Ogilvie said the Bibles had been marked in memory of George Newell.
Brian stated the need of three new memers on the Nominating Committee for recommending committee personnel for the coming year. The three members carried over from this year are Pearl Pearson to be chairman, Vernon Weedman, and Connie Larson. Only two new members were appointed, Gertrude Curts and Chuck Orwiler, if he accepts, were approved.
A letter of resignation by Frances Carr from the Outreach Committee was presented and accepted. The committee for the rest of the year will consist of Janice Beals, chair, Bob Pursley, Dan Carr, Mike Case, and Gloria Pursley.
Grace Yates resigned as recording clerk because she and Dick are moving to the Molalla area.
Chuck and/or Vickie Orwiler are to be asked to become recording clerk.
There was an acknowledgment certificate received from the Northridge Monthly Meeting concerning the McConaughey family.
Pastor Jim read us the summarization of the meeting with Norval Hadley concerning our church goals and aspirations.
Pastor Jim read his resignation as our pastor to become effective June 30, 1976, so he can continue his education and asked we accept it without hesitation and excused himself from the meeting. Pastor Jim’s resignation was accepted with great reluctance and realization that each of us must look to God for our guidance and look at each other with hearts and minds full of love and acceptance.
Harold Larson suggested we should start considering the painting of our church building when the weather warms. Several painters offered their services.
Gratitude was expressed for the way Brian handled the meeting, allowing personal expressions by the members.
Abridged from notes provided by Grace Yates, Recording Clerk