11 February 1976

Clerk Brian Beals read from Numbers 13.

It was reported a letter had been sent to Walt and Myrt King.

Frances Carr said the Outreach Committee had decided to give up the “drop-in” center. John Ogilvie stated the parsonage had been rented to David and Ann Potticary for $145 a month.

Nadine Asher reported $330 had been sent for matching funds to George Fox College as scholarships. Churck Orwiler received $230 for matching and Jim Hays $100 for the 1976-77 school season.

John Ogilvie said nothing more had been done about the marking of the Bibles given in George Newell’s memory.

John Hays reported $103 in the table and chair fund.

Ernie Pearson reported that $1,300 had to be borrowed from the building fund to pay our bills. John Ogilvie said the buyer of the North Plains house is still behind in his payments, though he did pay $100 and promised to catch up soon.

It was recommended we use our “quick claims” contract on that property to liquidate our debt there. The meeting gave the Trustees authority to take whatever legal steps are necessary concerning the North Plains property.

Pastor Jim reports we are still having a bad time, low in finances, low in attendance.

Christian Education Committee Chair Nadine Asher sent us the report that the Fun Nights at the school gym have been dropped because of lack of attendance. We are planning a hike up Eagle Creek Trail on March 6.

Stewardship Committee Chair John Ogilvie said he wanted everyone to study the Treasurer’s report and consider where there can be cuts made in our budget.

Outreach Committee Chair Frances Carr felt the meeting needs to review our Vietnamese sponsorship and clarify it. The situation of the student in George Fox College with a $135 deficit, and are we responsible for it? Did they come to us through the yearly meeting or World Relief? We originally took responsibility for five years, but what are their plans for the future? We are now giving them $200 each month, but only Trang and Van are under our supervision now. Su and Le are living together with someone else. Ngoc is getting other help in attending George Fox, but we are still responsible for him. Harold Larson said several Vietnamese sponsored by other Friends churches have gotten jobs and are on their own, so maybe some of those churches would be able to help us. It was stated Norval Hadley had expressed the opinion that other churches in the yearly meeting would be glad to help us. Designated pledges for the family are still being paid.

Spiritual Life Committee Chair Charles Lamm states that Jerry Dillon and Norval Hadley think our church is not too bad off, and he wants us to cooperate with Pastor Jim when he asks our help and advice. We have lost fifty people from our church since July, and there are more than fifty people who need our church.

Janet Gathright had asked for her membership to be transferred to another church long ago but had not received it. A letter of apology and inquiry as to her present wishes is to be sent to her.

Brian read a letter from the Alleys requesting the membership of Rick, Alvera, and Angela be withdrawn from our roll. The request was granted with reluctance and regret. A letter of appreciation to them for their work among us is to be written.

Abridged from notes provided by Grace Yates, Recording Clerk

7 January 1976

Brian Beals read 1 Timothy 6:6-11. We sang the chorus of “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” and had prayer.

Chuck Orwiler’s resignation as recording clerk was accepted.

The Nominating Committee recommended Grace Yates to finish Chuck’s term and was approved.

John Hays said not enough funds had come in for the tables and chairs.

Glenda Newell has consented for the Bibles given in memory of George to have an appropriate statement put in them, and the Trustees are working on it.

Lois Friend stated she was looking for a Memorial Book for recording church memorials but had not found anything suitable yet.

Milt Asher reported the attendance of Fun Nights is shrinking to the point of being terminated according to the rules for using the gym and urges even spectator attendance. The minimum attendance required is 15.

Ernie Pearson gave the treasurer’s report, and we had to borrow from our Building Fund to pay the bills. He pointed out that the property tax and scholarships caused larger payments than usual. Mr. Wood, in the North Plains house, is behind in his payments, and we are not getting any rent from the parsonage.

Pastor Jim reported December was one of our hardest months, but the church showed its spiritual strength.

The Education Committee asked if the church wanted a scholarship program. Ernie said several people give money designated for scholarships, but it is felt that because of our financial condition at present, scholarship money needs to be above our regular giving. Those who wish to may make their donations and pledges known to Nadine as Education Committee Chair, and we can have a called Business Meeting to OK the scholarships before the deadline date of February 1.

Nominating Committee Chair Milt Asher gave the following recommendations: Librarian Frances Carr to finish out Karen McConaughey’s term. Sunday School Superintendent Milt Asher to finish Ray Warner’s term. He is also to be on the Education Committee as Ray was. The committee recommended the places vacated by John and Donna Coleman on the Education Committee and Stewardship Committee respectively, and Myrt King on the Spiritual Life Committee be left empty for the remainder of the year. Frances Carr to be chair of the Outreach Committee in Walt King’s place and Gloria Pursley be added to that committee. Approved.

Jeanne Epperson was nominated and approved to fill Walt King’s place on the Nominating Committee for the rest of this year.

The Pastor’s Conference in Dallas, Texas, will cost $300 registration and travel money, and because of our financial condition, the meeting decided that money would have to be raised outside the regular collections if Pastor Jim is to attend.

John Hays suggested the Trustees be liberated to do necessary repair jobs between monthly meetings as they used to be.

The Spiritual Life Committee recommended we pay the $100 tuition for Pastor Jim’s taking a class at Western Evangelical Seminary where he will also have Gerald Dillon as “Senior Pastor.” Approved.

There was more discussion about the “drop-in” center, and it was decided the Outreach Committee should have two weeks to make a final decision about it, then let John Ogilvie know their decision so the Trustees can get the house ready for renting.

Milt Asher suggested we should write a note of gratitude to Walt and Myrt King for their services to us. Approved.

Lois Friend read an announcement from Don and Marilyn of their baby girl, Laura Marie, born January 2.

Abridged from notes provided by Grace Yates, Recording Clerk

8 October 1975

Brian Beals opened the meeting by having individuals read various Scripture. This was followed by prayer.

Brian asked if anyone knew of progress on the purchase of more tables and chairs. No one knew of the progress, if any, that had been made.

Harold Larson reported that John Wimber was contacted by phone, and he said that he had lost our letter to him, but he will send us a letter outlining the thrust of his program and the requirments of our church in his seminar. He has certain basic requirements such as at least one hundred people in attendance for a weekend session at a cost of $7-10 per person. Grace Yates asked who John Wimber is. John Wimber is a man from Yorba Linda Friends Church who is concerned with a revitalization of the church community, and Charlie Lamm and the Spiritual Life Board recommended him for help in our outreach efforts. Doubts were expressed over the value of what this man can offer. It was pointed out that he has been successful in several Oregon Friends churches.

Pearl Pearson has been trying to contact Glenda Newell about marking the Bibles in memorial to George Newell; however, she has not been able to contact her. It was approved that the Trustees be responsible for memorializing the Bibles if it is Glenda’s desire. Grace Yates recommends that we have a book to record the memorials in the church. It was approved that the statistician be responsible for recording of these memorials and researching what memorials are included in our church history.

Jim Leonard presented his pastor’s report. He has seen spiritual growth in many members of the church. He feels that there is a good spiritual foundation upon which to work.

Milt reported that he is interested in continuing Fun Night although he is seeking the approval of the Business Meeting in the program. He is concerned in that last year’s attendance was generally poor. It was approved that the Education Board be in charge of Fun Night.

Milt Asher reported for the Nominating Committee. The committee recommends replacements for the following positions:

Myrtle King to replace Roy McConaughey on the Spiritual Life Board, 3 years

Keith Snow to replace Milo Meeker on Outreach Board, 2 years

The position vacated by Dorothy Meeker on Spiritual Life Board to be unfilled.

Milt reports that the committee is still considering a replacement for the librarian position.

Brian presented a letter from Clackamas Park Friends Church announcing a roller skating party at Oaks Park on November 3. It was approved that we respond to the invitation that we would like to participate.

Martha Epperson asked about the progress on converting the parsonage into the drop-in center. Nina Mannen reported that some of the youth had a clean-up day, and Jim Lingenfelter reported that the youth had a meeting with the Outreach Board, and he didn’t know the results.

Roy Curts expressed concern for cooperation in his ushering chores. He said we need to show visitors more of a welcome. He also needs help in the ushering, and he prefers high school students, and he would appreciate more volunteers.

Abridged from notes provided by Chuck Orwiler, Recording Clerk

11 September 1975

Brian Beals opened the meeting with Scripture and prayer. Afterward, Brian turned the meeting over to Walt King, Chairman of the Outreach Board.

Walt presented the need of having a service for the Mid-High students during their free time. He proposed that we use the parsonage for a “drop-in” center that would offer table games and other forms of clean activities for kids.

Jim Leonard reported that he made contact with the schools through an individual at a ministerial meeting. The representative from the high school was asking for the church’s participation. Jim asked him about the “drop-in” center, and he was enthusiastic about the idea.

Al Hugget, vice principal of Mid-High, attended this business meeting. He re-emphasized the need for community cooperation. Because of staggered schedules at Mid-High, some students have free time in the mornings and afternoons that is misused. Our church can help.

Henry Lande expressed appreciation for our understanding with his delinquent rent and his gratitude for our compassion. Henry also promised that he was a man who met his responsibilities, and he would repay us when he is able.

The Outreach Board recommended that the parsonage be converted into a “drop-in” center for Mid-High students and that it would be open in the morning, at noon, during afternoons, and on some evenings.

Abridged from notes provided by Chuck Orwiler, Recording Clerk

13 August 1975

Chuck Orwiler opened the meeting with prayer.

John Hays was approved as temporary presiding clerk in the absence of Brian Beals.

Charlie Lamm reported that the Boyers feel that they are not yet ready to be members of our church although they feel free to continue to worship here.

It was approved that Sunday School, including opening exercises be from 9:30 to 10:40 a.m. and that worship service be from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m., beginning September 1, 1975.

John Hays mentioned that he was not sure what the cost would be for the tables and chairs, but he was volunteering personally to personally raise the money from the church members, and we would purchase the tables and chairs in accordance with the amount of money received. It was approved.

Ray Warner asked if the Bibles in the pew can be marked with a memorial to George Newell. Glenda Newell will be asked about her wishes.

Pearl Pearson asked the recording clerk to look through the minutes to see how often we should be having business meetings.

Abridged from notes provided by Chuck Orwiler, Recording Clerk

9 July 1975

Brian Beals opened the meeting with a devotional from Ephesians 20 followed by a time of prayer and meditation.

Jim Leonard is transferring his church membership to our church.

David Baker will no longer be able to serve as a trustee.

Grace Yates was approved to replace Marjorie Baker on the Education Committee (2 years), and Vern Weedman was approved to replace David Baker on the Stewardship Committee (1 year).

Ernest Pearson reports that we are now incorporated.

Brian Beals read a letter from Attorney Neil Bush declaring the vacating of the alley complete.

Charlie Lamm reported that the Boyers could not sign the statement of faith because of a disagreement with part of the statement. The matter was referred to the Spiritual Life Committee.

Walt King reported that we now have $275 per month and many hours pledged in support of our Vietnamese family. Pearl Pearson and Janice Beals made a list of household needs for the family.

Abridged from notes provided by Chuck Orwiler, Recording Clerk

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