12 January 1977

Clerk John Hays asked Lois Perisho to open the meeting by reading Romans 5:1-5. Then John talked about our recent faith promises. He said that faith promises can include money as well as time, effort, telephoning, visiting, praying, teaching Sunday school, helping with flowers or music or ushering, etc. After prayer requests, a time of prayer was held.

Norval Hadley asked by letter that we take a special offering on Jauary 23 for the ministers’ emergency fund. The meeting decided to have an offering envelope made available for this purpose. Norval Hadley’s letter informed the meeting about the pastors’ conference scheduled for April 18-21 at Twin Rocks. He suggests the meeting give $1 per member toward the conference expenses. We already had allocated $50 toward this.

The Spiritual Life Committee recommends that we call Ron Allen to work with our pastor for services on outreach – preferably in March. The meeting decided to schedule this for March 6 through Easter with meetings on Sunday evenings which may be longer than an hour each.

Earl Perisho has asked for permission to attend the Conference of the Friends in the Americas in Wichita, June 25–July 1. It was approved to let him go in conjunction with his vacation.

Stewardship Chair Roy Curts said he is cleaning the furnace room and has things which need to be returned to their owners. The vent in the furnace room is finished. The committee is investigating a spire for the church.

Bible School is to be held in the day time and is to be led by Jeanne Epperson with Connie Larson helping. They need teachers.

The meeting adjourned with prayer and an invitation to coffee or tea at the Epperson, Neidigh home.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

8 December 1976

Clerk John Hays asked Steve Perisho to lead the hymn “All the Way My Savior Leads Me.” Lois Perisho read 1 John 5:1-4. John Hays talked about the upcoming meetings for the weekend of December 10. He suggested that individuals need to know what God wants each of them to do and what God wants our church to do.

John Hays told about written communications. Friends World Committee for Consultation and the Conference of Friends in the Americas asked for funds. None were allocated. David LeShana sent a letter about George Fox College, asking for funds. The meeting decided to send $50 as a Thanksgiving offering. David Baker’s letter requested the transfer of his family’s church membership to West Chehalem Friends Church. Gloria Pursley requested that her membership be transferred to Evergreen Christian Center. The meeting approved these transfers. A letter from Dick, Linda, and Shawn Martin was read, thanking our church for their love offering.

Stewardship Chair Roy Curts asked for ideas regarding the west outside wall of the church.

Education Committee Chair Dorothy Neidigh presented her report. She asked what was wanted for the arrangement of benches at the Christmas program. Pledges can be made to give designated gifts to scholarships for Milt Asher.

Vernon Weedman, Outreach Chair, reported that his committee suggests that the funds collected from the missionary conference be allocated at the rate of 90 percent to the outreach of Northwest Yearly Meeting and 10 percent to support Ruth Epperson. The meeting decided to give Ruth Epperson 10 percent up to $300 and the balance to go to outreach of Northwest Yearly Meeting for the pledge year of January 1, 1977, to January 1, 1978. Brochures will be distributed December 9, 1976, at 5:30 p.m. around the church neighborhood to remind people of our missionary conference. It was approved to take a love offering for the Knight family. The meeting decided to give Greenleaf Quartet $200 or what comes in the Sunday evening offering, whichever is greater. Vernon also said the Thanksgiving offering for the food basket cash funds was $30, which he used to get three $10 gift certificates at Safeway for our church’s Vietnamese family.

Charles Lamm, Spiritual Life Committee Chair, reported there is a good spirit of unity. He also expressed a concern for a let-down after the conference. He suggested that Earl Perisho feel free to ask us to call on others to help keep the conference spirit and enthusiasm alive.

Vernon Weedman was asked to check into the Christmas basket at the Washington County Clearing Board. Food is also needed for the emergency cupboard the pastor uses for needy families.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

10 November 1976

John Hays led a devotional. Steve Perisho led the song, “What a Friend.” John Hays asked questions to prompt everyone to think about how Christians can work together and can cheer each other. Lois Perisho read Phillipians 2:1, 2. Several from the meeting added comments about Christian warmth and love. Prayer requests were given, and a time of prayer followed.

John read a letter from the Oregon Rural Opportunities asking for food for Thanksgiving baskets. The meeting decided to check into coordinating Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets.

The Hillsboro Thanksgiving service is to be held on November 21, 7:30 p.m., at the Hillsboro Church of the Nazarene. The meeting decided to dismiss our services so our people could attend.

A report was given by Earl Perisho on the findings after he contacted A Child’s Place. He felt they may no longer need a place to hold their day care.

A written treasurer’s report was submitted by Ernest Pearson to clerk John Hays who then summarized it for the meeting since Ernest was not present.

Earl listed many calls and meetings in his report. He also appreciates Stan and LaVern Muhr and their work with the youth. John Hays suggested we help, as individuals, with financial support of the youth group activities.

Spiritual Life Committee Chair Charles Lamm reported that he felt the plans for the special missionary meetings are falling into place very well.

Vern Weedman, Outreach Committee Chair, reported that Norval Hadley was scheduled to speak November 28 for the Sunday morning service on faith promise pledges. There will be a film for the evening service November 28. Everett Clarkson may be able to speak both at the end and the beginning of our missionary conference emphasis.

Vern Weedman mentioned the letter from the World Relief Commission asking for a Thanksgiving offering for overseas. The yearly meeting suggests that each person give $1. The meeting decided to take an offering November 14 at the Sunday evening service. This is to be mentioned in the Sunday moring bulletin.

Vern mentioned a letter from the Tri-County Community Council asking for Thanksgiving offerings and baskets. The meeting decided to collect food for our Vietnamese family as a Thanksgiving basket.

Roy Curts reported on the finances for the Stewardship Committee. He suggested that the budget increase the pastor’s travel budget by $50 a month. $100 increase was suggested to be added to the Education Committee for Sunday School expenses. He suggested we add $5 more per month to support for Ruth Epperson, beginning November 1. The committee suggests putting $500 aditional funds into the janitorial fund ($50 a month), and the balance is to pay for yard work. The unified budget was left the same. Roy said the taxes have been paid for 1975-6, and the monthly payments are up to date until November 10 on the North Plains property.

Roy and Gertrude Curts were approved as the janitors effective December 1.

Roy mentioned that the furnace inspector said a vent to the outside is needed.

Discussion was held on outside use of the nursery by groups who have community Bible studies. Earl Perisho was asked to call on members to help open the church if he is unable to be at the church.

The Education Committee report was given by Dorothy Neidigh. The youth group bank cards were turned over to the Muhrs. The Christmas program is scheduled for December 19 at 4 p.m. with a fellowship time following.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

13 October 1976

John Hays led a devotional and asked Steve Perisho to lead a song. Lois Perisho read the Scripture from Psalms 135:1-5, 23

The Nominating Committee suggested Nadine Asher serve as recording clerk to take the minutes. Approved.

A thank-you note from Milt Asher was read. He thanked the church for his scholarship.

A letter from A Child’s Place was discussed to see if we had facilities they could use for their day care center. Earl Perisho will check into the particulars.

Acknowledgment of the transfer of the Leonard family was received.

Chuck, Vicky, and Autumn Orwiler requested by letter that their membership be transferred to Newberg Friends Church.

The Treasurer’s report was given by Ernest Pearson. Approved.

Roy Curts suggested putting some of the money from the building fund into timed certificates so it would draw interest. After discussion, it was decided to have Ernest Pearson transfer $2,000 into the type of certificate(s) he finds best when he checks into details.

Charles Lamm said the Spiritual Life Committee recommends starting a special faith promise pledge program. The chairs of the Spiritual Life and Outreach committees were asked to organize this and get speakers for a special mission emphasis kick-off. Spiritual Life also recommends that we ask the Greenleaf Male Quartet and their wives to hold a special emphasis December 10 (evening), December 11 (afternoon with an evening potluck and evening meeting), and December 12 (for Sunday morning worship service).

Spiritual Life also asked for approval that $100 be put into the budget for the Social Committee. Approved.

Roy Curts called for a revision of the budget and suggested a meeting for this purpose. He asked that the chair of each committee attend.

The Outreach Committee chair, Vernon Weedman, encouraged each person to write to a Northwest Yearly Meeting missionary and to vote during the general election on November 2.

Charles Lamm reported that he wrote a letter to Kotzebue to thank them for the Danny Thomas family’s visit and for the Perishos.

Leona Lamm closed the meeting with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

8 September 1976

Clerk John Hays led in a devotional time during which Lois Perisho read the scripture from Psalm 116:1-9.

The treasurer’s report was presented by Ernest Pearson and approved as presented.

A letter was read from Jim Leonard expressing greetings and requesting the transfer of the membership of their family from Hillsboro to the Rosedale Friends Church. The monthly meeting approved the transfer.

John Hays presented a letter from William Penn House in Washington, D.C., requesting support for their work. Lacking sufficient information regarding this work, it was decided that Hillsboro Friends Church would not send official support at this time.

Ray Curts reported that the North Plains property payment in the amount of $1,275 was made by Mr. Woods, which pays the account up to September 10th. He also informed the meeting that the Woods plan to keep up their payments in the future. Roy reported that he felt there had been a good contact with the Woods family and thought they might well be interested in attending our church at a later date.

Dorothy Neidigh reported for the Education Committee. The scholarship contributions which had been held in behalf of Jim Hays will be transferred to Milton Asher since Jim is not in school this fall. The Education Committee has set a Sunday School attendance goal of eighty people for this year. The committee has decided to change to a fall Sunday School promotion rather than right after school is out. Stan and LaVern Muhr will be the Friends Youth leaders.

Abridged from notes provided by Earl Perisho, Acting Recording Clerk

11 August 1976

Martha Epperson presented a devotional time based on the book, Triumphant Missionary Ministry in the Local Church. She shared several scriptures from the book.

The interim pastor’s report was giving by John Carr. John reported that we had a successful Vacation Bible School with 24 to 34 present. John sent follow-up letters to each family represented, and teachers were doing further follow-up work. There are two new Sunday School classes: a class for young people of college age and above to be taught by John Hays, and a high school class to be led by Stanley Muhr. The Muhrs have also consented to be youth counselors.

Roy Curts reported that the committee appointed to go to see Mr. and Mrs. Woods did not find them at home, so a certified letter was sent to them advising them that they had until September 1 to clear up all back payments and interest. They received a reply on July 27. No payments have been made since July 8. Interest has taken all of the payments made so that they are in areers since October. Taxes also were not paid. The amount owed is $1,050. The federal government also has a lien on the property to the extent of their equity.

Roy Curts also reported that anyone needing help on how to do the voluntary cleaning at the church should contact him. He noted that the bag on the vacuum cleaner must be emptied now and then and also that we are responsible for getting the dirty dust mops to the City Laundry and picking up new ones.

The spiritual life committee reported that the contract with Earl Perisho was formalized August 5. The committee heads, the clerk, and John Carr met with Earl and Janice Perisho.

Clerk John Hays announced that the pastor had purchased a house. Members were asked to help in any way they could with furnishings. There is to be some remodeling done. Walt King has offered to provide bedroom furniture, mattresses, and new mattress covers.

It was announced that California Yearly Meeting had paid the Perishos only plane fares and $150 moving expense. The total moving expense was $541.95, plus the parcel post rate on about fifty books. This brought the expense up to about $600 or $650. It was agreed that the meeting should pay what was not covered by California Yearly Meeting.

The treasurer’s report was given by Lois Friend and was approved.

Roy Curts and Connie Larson, who served for the 1976 Oregon Yearly Meeting sessions are to continue for the rest of the year.

Abridged from notes provided by Connie Larson, Recording Clerk Pro Tem

14 July 1976

Presiding Clerk John Hays opened the meeting with devotions from Galatians 5:22, 23. He then asked for prayer requests or praise notes.

Martha Epperson wishes her name dropped as second alternate as YM Representative because of responsibilities to WMU at that time.

A discussion on the Vietnamese family took place. Vern Weedman reported that Trang wanted to be released from church support and have jobs. However, the jobs are only summer jobs, and they would need support again when they return to school. John Carr added that Trang feels that the church is now too small to continue their support as originally set up. John Hays noted that adequate funds have still been coming in to cover them. Vern Weedman recommended continuation of their support.

Nadine Asher reported that the Friends Youth funds check-up is incomplete because no new officers have been elected, so she can’t get the information. $281.08 is in the checking account. A card has been partially signed to release the funds and will be turned in to the Treasurer until a new Youth Group forms.

A letter from Clackamas Park Friends Church transferring the memberships of Jim and Jeanne Leonard and minor children Brent, Barbara, Matthew, and Chad was read. It was dated August 17, 1975, but only recently received. The memberships were accepted, and the omission of Shawn Leonard will be asked about.

Vicky Orwiler’s resignation as Recording Clerk was read. It was tabled.

A request for membership transfers of Oscar and Ruth Brown to North Valley Friends Church was read and approved.

Charlie Lamm will continue as chairman of Spiritual Life. Charlie reported that the committee’s meeting with Earl Perisho was good.

Vernon Weedman will serve as new chairman of Outreach.

Dorothy Neidigh is to be the new chairman of Education.

Roy Curts was chosen to be chairman of Stewardship. He reported that Mr. Woods is four months behind in his payments on the North Plains property. Roy recommends that we present them with an ultimatum to have all back payments paid by September 1, or the church would take legal action. Roy’s recommendatrion was approved. A delegation consisting of John Hays, Roy Curts, and Vern Weedman will inform Mr. Woods of the decision. Living arrangements for Pastor Perisho were discussed but tabled until he arrives and can give us an idea of what he needs. Roy will continue to do the yard work for the duration of the summer.

John Carr reported on the “Here’s Life, Portland” outreach campaign from Campus Crusade and advised us not to participate because the work involved requires more members than we currently have. Approved not to enter the program. John Carr reported that he has made several contacts with one pastoral call. He appreciates your prayer support and the office help.

The previously tabled resignation of Vicky Orwiler as Recording Clerk was considered and accepted. The open position will be referred to the Nomination Committee.

Abridged from notes provided by Vicky Orwiler, Recording Clerk

9 June 1976

John Hays was selected to act as Presiding Clerk in place of Brian Beals, who was on vacation.

Nadine Asher reported that the Scripture Memorization Contest was very successful this year as 12 people learned a total of 354 verses to recite and earned 74-1/3 stamps for camp, with 1 person earning 34 of the awarded amount.

John and Frances Carr have agreed to be responsible for Sunday services from July 1–September 1. Lois Lund will have June 20 and Charles Beals June 27. Earl Perisho is starting from Alaska today.

Pastor Jim reported that Trang feels badly about the support we are giving them and feels the church membership is too small to continue support at the present rate. The Outreach Board, Pastor Jim, and Bob Pursley will investigate alternatives with Trang, FAB, and NYM to come up with a satisfactory solution.

Connie Larson and Roy Curts were appointed as Northwest Yearly Meeting representatives. Daphne Lawrence will be asked to alternate if Connie and Roy are unable to attend after all, with Martha Epperson to be second alternate.

Lois Friend was named Assistant Treasurer. Trustees on the Stewardship Board were retained as at present: Almeda Hays, Roy Curts, and Ernest Pearson. The open position of Presiding Clerk will be filled by John Hays, and Clarence Combes will take his place on the Spiritual Life Board. Vicky Orwiler will fill the position of Recording Clerk until forced to resign because of an expected move to Newberg. Camp Coordinator will be taken by Connie Larson.

Almeda asked the business meeting to note that the pastor’s salary listed on the sheet was for 10 months rather than 12. Secretarial and janitorial responsibilities will be done by volunteers. Nadine Asher was asked to contact Friends Youth President Chris Case to find out about the Friends Youth account and possibly gain more understanding about what is happening with their funds as related to the church in general. The budget was approved as presented.

Bob Pursley gave his report on changes in our area as he has noted them from his position on the Area Nominating Committee.

Charles Lamm was asked about the proposed pastor’s contract and responded that plans are to work it out with Earl Perisho when he arrives at the end of the month.

Abridged from notes provided by Vicky Orwiler, Recording Clerk

12 May 1976

Presiding Clerk Brian Beals opened the meeting with Scripture from Colossians on the power available through Jesus, then prayer.

Brian wondered about Bob Pursley’s activities on the Area Nominating Committee, but no report was given.

A letter of acceptance from Earl Perisho was read. A discussion of his preferred starting date of September 1 rather than July 1 was initated because the suggestion needs to be passed by the meeting. It was passed.

The North Plains house payments are not caught up yet, but the full $225 payment was made last month. The payments are about three months behind.

Pastor Jim’s convinced that we’re where God’s challenging us to look to him as we have nowhere else to go except to him on our knees. We must follow the scriptural principles of forgiveness and oneness in Christ.

Almeda Hays passed out a survey on the financial needs of the church. They will also be given to attenders not present at this time.

Nadine Asher reported that VBS has been changed to June 28-July 2. The hours will be 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with sack lunch. Thursday evenings have been set aside as Family Night. The Scripture memorization contest was extended one more Sunday (June 6) with awards to be made the following Sunday.

Charles Lamm mentioned that Norval Hadley wants to have a meeting next Wednesday (May 9) for everyone who can come. Charles was asked if pastoral plans have been laid out for the summer yet, and he replied that they are not solid yet.

Abridged from notes provided by Vicky Orwiler, Recording Clerk

14 April 1976

Clerk Brian Beals opened the meeting with a devotional on the kindness and peace of God from 2 Peter.

A letter to Jim Leonard accepting his resignation was read.

Chuck Orwiler accepted a position on the Nominating Committee to serve until the end of the current church year.

The March Treasurer’s report was presented by Ernest Pearson. There is some concern for ways in which to trim expenditures for such things as electricity. The Treasurer’s report was approved.

John Ogilvie reported that five members of the board attended the yearly meeting breakfast where the 1976-1977 yearly meeting budget was explained. Our challenge will be increased from $4,200 to $4,900.

Nadine Asher reported that the Bible school dates chosen (June 15-25) were also selected by the Christian Church across the street. No decision has been made as to new dates yet. Anyone wishing to help with the Bible school should contact Connie Larson. The April 4 Scripture memorization efforts netted a total of 26 stamps for the 8 participants. George Fox College has accepted the two names submitted by the church for matching funds scholarships. $100 will be awarded to Jim Hays and $230 to Chuck Orwiler.

Walt King has requested a membership transfer for himself and Myrt to Vancouver Friends. It was approved. Bill’s membership is to remain with our church.

John Ogilvie submitted his resignation from the Stewardship Board and also as one of the Trustees. It was accepted. Brian pointed to the necessity of filling John’s position as chairman on the Stewardship Board because work on next year’s church budget is yet to be accomplished. Almeda Hays was nominated along with Ernest Pearson. After discussion, Almeda accepted the nomination and was approved by the meeting. Roy Curts was nominated and accepted as the new trustee in place of John.

Lois Friend volunteered to serve on the Nominating Committee.

It was mentioned that the meeting should appoint someone to represent us on the Quarterly Meeting Nominating Committee. Bob Pursley was nominated for this position and accepted. Anyone interested in serving in any Quarterly Meeting capacity should let Bob know so that he can nominate them at the meeting.

Abridged from notes provided by Vicky Orwiler, Recording Clerk

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