9 November 1977

Steve Perisho led the congregation in “Sweet Hour of Prayer” as Jenice Beebe accompanied. Lois Perisho read Scripture (Proverbs 1:2–10). John Hays led our thoughts about each person’s responsibility for the youth of our church, community, and nation. We need to train, teach, and pray for our youth.

The Education Committee report given by Dorothy Neidigh said that Janice Perisho was Christmas Program chair. Fun Nights are being scheduled.

Outreach Committee is planning a January 15, 22, and 29 Outreach Conference. They have invited special speakers. Earl Perisho reported for Vernon Weedman and asked if the church planned to give a Thanksgiving basket. The group decided to give one and then designated the Outreach Committee to choose the recipient.

Spiritual Life Committee Chair Martha Epperson asked the church to continue praying after the special Intercessory Prayer Week ends.

Roy Curts, Stewardship chair, reported on the costs to resurface the driveway. He suggests that a drain tile be put in first. It was suggested that Stamps for Camp be given to those youth who help put in the drain. The awning estimate was $553 until November 15. The purchase of awnings was approved, and the money will come from the building fund.

Martha reminded everyone to sign up for the prayer chain for the coming Saturday through Sunday.

Steve Perisho closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

12 October 1977

Steve Perisho led the congregational hymn, “What a Friend,” with Jeanne Weedman accompanying. Scripture was read by Lois Perisho (Proverbs 16:1–4 and 9). John Hays gave some thoughts about the church’s planning and goals. Praise and prayer followed.

Ernest Pearson gave the treasurer’s report which was approved.

Roy Curts gave the stewardship report and reminded us about some large bills due the next few months. The budgeted item as missionary support to Ruth Epperson was transferred to Clair Lund. The meeting approved that the Stewardship Committee be authorized to borrow from the building fund for the general fund to keep current bills paid for October if necessary. The North Plains house is being sold by the Woods family, so our church will receive payment in about a week. (The money will go into the building fund.) Roy was asked to check on estimates to resurface the driveway.

Vernon Weedman reported for the Outreach Committee. An Outreach Conference is planned for three Sundays.

Earl Perisho gave a report. Lois Perisho was thanked for volunteering two afternoons a week in the church office. Dennis Beebe and Larry Gonzales were thanked for the painting they did.

Spiritual Life Chair Martha Epperson brought a recommendation to invite Roy Clark to speak to our church the evening of November 6 and to release our pastor to visit their church of West Chehalem, which was assigned as a prayer partner by the yearly meeting. Earl Perisho reported about yearly meeting goals for the week of November 6–13: Intercessory Prayer Week. The group approved the release of Earl Perisho the evening of November 6.

The Education Committee report was given by Dorothy Neidigh. A letter from Greenleaf asks for gifts to help with finances and will be posted. A request was made for a leader for the Christmas program. Junior Friends Youth needs a sponsor; LaVern has resigned. (Vernon Weedman volunteered for the position of sponsor of Junior Friends Youth if someone else took his Sunday School teaching job.)

The Nominating report names Ruth Epperson on the Stewardship Committee and Clarence Combs as a trustee. Accepted.

Stanley and LaVern Muhr with Eric, Adam, and Christina asked West Chehalem Friends Church, Newberg, to transfer their membership to our church. Accepted.

Harold Larson suggested that the pews need refinishing. Steve Perisho volunteered the Youth Group’s help. The Stewardship Committee was charged with beginning the project.

Pearl Pearson closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

14 September 1977

Clerk John Hays opened the meeting by asking everyone to sing “Trust and Obey” with Vernon Weedman leading and Jeanne Weedman accompanying on the piano. John read Colossians 3:12–15 and 4:5–6 for a devotional. Then he reminded us that we need to be loving, forgiving, and telling others the good news. A time of prayer followed.

Earl Perisho gave a report.

Correspondence included a resignation from Almeda Hays from the Stewardship Committee and as a trustee.

The Education Committee reported that Children’s Church will be directed by Ruth Epperson. Junior Friends Youth will be directed by LaVern Muhr. An unused $70 scholarship is left at George Fox College, so it was approved to be applied to Denise Beebe.

Roy Curts, stewardship chair, reported that he appreciates our good financial picture. He thanked Harold Larson for painting around our church and mentioned our workday a week from the coming Saturday (9-24-77). Roy said anyone could give toward scholarships since this is not a budgeted item.

Vernon Weedman reported that they had an Outreach Committe meeting last night. Vernon said the committee is planning a missions outreach conference the last part of January or the first part of February.

John Hays closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

9 August 1977

John Hays, clerk, led devotions by reading Psalm 145:14–21 and by discussing it. A time of prayer followed.

Communication included a thank you from Almeda Hays for the plant and prayers.

Brian and Janice Beals asked by letter that their memberships and that of their boys (Brad, Craig, Corey) be dropped from membership. It was approved.

Harold Larson brought recommendations from the Spiritual Life Committee: Joe Merriss asked to have his name removed from membership. It was approved. The committee recommended that the meeting approve the use of the church facilities for a Men With Vision meeting on September 19 as requested by Ernest Pearson. The committee recommended that Pearl Pearson coordinate the telephoning and also recommended that the phoning begin the week of September 12. Approved.

Outreach Committee Chair Vernon Weedman reported on a letter from the food bank asking for room to store food. If anyone has room or food, they should contact Vernon.

John Hays reported on the Stewardship Committee’s work on the parsonage.

Connie Larson reported on the Yearly Meeting. Next year our representatives’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers need to be sent in ahead of time. Also, next year, the yearly meeting will ask whether they should join Friends World Committee for Consultation. The new EFA Missions Plan was approved. Yearly Meeting is consiering assessing each curch by 10 percent of their budget instead of the current pledge to the Great Commission. Yearly Meeting endorsed federal legislation to establish a Peace Academy and to allow the option that wage earners could request that their taxes not be used for military expenditures.

Earl Perisho reported that he had a good session at the church growth seminar (Focus on Strategy and Nurture) from which he just returned.

Harold Larson recommended that the Stewardship Committee hang drapes in the kitchen, above the front door, and provide some shade for the church office windows. This was heartily approved since the evening was very warm!

Leona Lamm closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

13 July 1977

After a time of devotions, prayer was led by Charles Lamm.

Vernon Pursley sent a note of thanks for the high school gradution gift of a New Testament.

Spiritual Life Committee recommends that the following items in regard to memberships be approved: 1) First Church of God at Roseburg, Oregon, requests that the membership of John and Barbara Ogilvie be transferred to their church. 2) Membership of Irene Ellis, Paul and Judith Miller be withdrawn at their request.

Spiritual Life Committee appreciated receiving recent correspondence from Mary Lou Peck and the Ray Warner family indicating that they wish to continue their memberships at our church.

Contract with the pastor, Earl Perisho, was approved for the 1977–1978 year. It includes a salary of $9,600 per year, plus $4,800 housing allowance, and $2,400 car allowance with four weeks vacation.

Stewardship Committee reports that items were not included in the budget for Western Evangelical Seminary or for Camp Tilikum but urges individuals to make contributions to them.

Letters are to be sent to the yearly meeting recommending that the following changes be considered: 1) Change of the Discipline in regard to term of service of representatives appointed by the local churches to the Yearly Meeting sessions so that it is not necessary to name them a year in advance. 2) Yearly Meeting instruct the treasurer to disburse Great Commission income on a percentage basis each month to all items in the budget.

Abridged from notes provided by Lois Friend, Recording Clerk, pro-tem

8 June 1977

Milt Asher led a congregational hymn, “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” Lois Perisho read Psalm 105:1–4. John Hays stressed the outreach part of the Scripture passage to remind us about our Focus this past year. He reminded us to look forward, not be discouraged, but to work as individuals as well as a group.

A letter from John and Donna Coleman was read. It asked that their membership be removed from Hillsboro Friends Church since they have become members of the Lawrence, Kansas, Free Methodist Church. This was approved.

The treasurer’s report was given by Ernest Pearson.

Earl Perisho gave a report.

The Education Committee report was given by Dorothy Neidigh. She knew of no one going to George Fox College, so no monies were designated for their matching funds scholarship. The committee made the following recommendations: Sunday School Superintendents, Milt and Nadine Asher; Children’s Church, Jeanne Epperson; Camp Coordinator, Stan Muhr; Librarian, Vernon Weedman; Assistant Librarian, Lois Friend.

John Hays reported that Dennis Beebe was here, has tentatively rented Walt King’s home, and has good prospects of a job.

The Nominating Committee Report is as follows: Presiding Clerk John Hays; Recording Clerk Nadine Asher; Treasurer Ernest Pearson; Assistant Treasurer Lois Friend; Statistician Lois Friend; News Reporter, Lois Perisho and Almeda Hays; Sunday School Superintendents, Milton and Nadine Asher.

Spiritual Life Committee: Martha Epperson, chair, 3 years; Gertrude Curts, 2 years; Stan Muhr, 3 years; Pearl Pearson, 1 year; Harold Larson, 1 year.

Education Committee: Dorothy Neidigh, chair, 3 years; Connie Larson, 1 year; Nadine Asher, 1 year; Jeanne Epperson, 2 years; LaVern Muhr, 3 years. As Sunday School Superintendent, Milt Asher would also be meeting as part of the Education Committee.

Outreach Committee: Vernon Weedman, chair, 2 years; Leona Lamm, 2 years; Bob Pursley, 1 year; Keith Snow, 3 years; Steve Perisho, 1 year.

Stewardship Committee: Roy Curts, chair, 1 year; Clarence Combes, 2 years; Allan Lawrence, 2 years; Almeda Hays, trustee, 1 year; Ernest Pearson, trustee, 3 years; Lois Friend, 3 years.

Roy Curts brought the Stewardship Committee report. The meeting approved the budget and decided to clarify the funds for pulpit supply. The payment for one service would be $20. The payment for both Sunday services (morning and evening) would be $35.

Representatives to Yearly Meeting were appointed: Connie Larson and Roy Curts.

John Hays said he was not going to be here for the next monthly meeting. Milt Asher would be asked if he would substitute as presiding clerk.

Pearl Pearson closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

11 May 1977

An instrumental group opened our meeting by playing “Take the World, but Give Me Jesus,” and then everyone sang two verses of this hymn. Lois Perisho read Psalm 138. John Hays brought the ideas that we all need to adore the Lord and appreciate the things he has done for us.

Spiritual Life Committee Chair Charles Lamm asked Martha Epperson to read the minutes from their meeting. Charles Lamm then explained that Dennis Beebe wants to work in a church while attending George Fox College next year. He is coming for an interview. The Spiritual Life Committee recommended that the meeting budget $150 for Earl Perisho to attend workshops with John Wimber in August and October. Then if we follow up with our focus and use their materials, we would be asked to pay an additional $125 to $150. The meeting referred this to the budget committee so the funds would be available.

Stewardship Committee Chair Roy Curts reported that the parsonage has been repaired and painted, so it’s in good shape. Western Evangelical Seminary has asked for pledges to help their program. Camp Tilikum has also asked for funds. The Stewardship Committee was directed to bring a recommendation to the meeting on these items.

Earl Perisho recommended that married couples attend the Marriage Encounter Sessions in the Portland area on May 20–22. He mentioned a workshop on June 1 and 2 to help church leaders minister to families. It is sponsored by the yearly meeting and by Western Evangelical Seminary. The cost would be $25 for anyone who could attend.

Roy Curts brought a recommendation that the church pay for expenses for our pastor to travel from Denver, where he will be vacationing with his family, to the conference in Wichita. The meeting approved that this love offering be given to the treasurer by anyone who wishes. An announcement will be placed in the bulletin. A minimum of $140 will be paid.

Pearl Pearson reported on the Focus calling. She said they have averaged over 100 calls a night. She suggested that the clerk write a note of thanks for the use of the insurance office for this telephoning. It was also suggested that a note be sent so the office could deduct this as a donation since they allowed the church to use the office on Monday evenings.

Spiritual Life Committee chair reported on his budget requests that he’s giving to Roy Curts as Stewardship chair.

John Hays asked for permission to purchase the old windows in the parsonage attic. He is to decide on a price with Roy Curts.

Roy Curts also mentioned that his committee is still working on next year’s budget. He asked that if anyone is interested in making pledges toward the Vietnamese support, it would help the budget since fewer designated funds are coming in each month than have been pledged. Our budget will be larger next year, but God has so greatly helped us this past year.

The meeting was closed with everyone singing “Blest Be the Tie that Binds.”

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

13 March 1977

John Hays opened the meeting by reading Psalm 67 and stressed verse 2. He talked about our church focus and about reaching out to our neighbors as well as around the world.

Correspondence included information on the Friends World Committee for Consultation and the Wichita conference. Grenada Heights Friends Church sent a letter to transfer the membership of Earl and Janice Perisho. Earl is accepted as a recorded minister. The children’s membership wasn’t mentioned in the letter and needs to be checked into.

Earl Perisho submitted a pastor’s report.

Ernest Pearson submitted the treasurer’s report.

The Stewardship chair recommended adding $500 to the budget to pay for secretarial work for the balance of the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1977. Some secretarial work has already been done by Janice Perisho.

The Stewardship Committee also asked that the meeting approve a minimum of $150 to be sent to Ron Allen for his services during our “Focus for Hillsboro Friends Church” workshop. A love offering will be taken April 24, 1977.

The meeting approved that $250 be paid to Earl Perisho to cover expenses for his trip to see Lois Friend’s father. It was also suggested that the Stewardship Committee be directed to discuss a raise in our pastor’s salary for the coming budget year.

The meeting named the Nominating Committee and asked them to begin work selecting next year’s officers and committees. They were instructed to name the chairs of the four main committees. The new Nominating Committee members are as follows: Gertrude Curts, chair (1 year); Lois Friend, (1 year); Jeanne Epperson, (1 year); Pearl Pearson, (2 years); Stan Muhr, (2 years); Vern Weedman, (2 years).

The Spiritual Life Committee recommended that the church ask Earl and Janice Perisho to continue as pastors for the coming year of July 1, 1977, through June 30, 1978. Discussion was made concerning the fact that the Spiritual Life Committee had earlier recommended a three-year call but that Earl Perisho had asked that the call be reviewed every year. The meeting changed the call to three years by unanimous agreement. Charles Lamm will ask Earl Perisho to write a statement about the Focus to be included in these minutes. The clerk of the meeting and Spiritual Life chair were asked to tell the pastors of their call for the next three years.

Almeda Hays closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

9 March 1977

Steve Perisho led the group in singing “What a Friend.”

George and Maggie Melton from Kotzebue brought greetings with a song, testimonies, and Bible verses.

Colossians 4:2–6 was read by Lois Perisho. Then John Hays reminded us that we need to pray, to watch (be careful in all we do), be bold, talk freely (say exactly what we mean), capitalize on our opportunities, make our talk sensible, be gracious, and focus on growth of Hillsboro Friends Church.

Correspondence included acknowledgment of membership transfers for Marilyn Crover and Gloria Pursley. Christian Education Commission, Evangelical Friends Alliance, sent a letter asking for an Easter offering for mission work in Mexico City. Our church will participate. George Fox College sent a letter recommending four students who are offering their services to hold meetings.

Dorothy Neidigh from the Education Committee mentioned the letter from a Christian television station, UHF Channel 24, which asks for funds. The meeting decided to write for more information and also to contact the yearly meeting.

Roy Curts, Stewardship Chair, mentioned the Great Commission Budget and the need for funds. A lawn mower was purchased, and designated funds are needed to pay for it.

Vernon Weedman, Outreach Committee Chair, said he has received a letter from Ralph Chapman with short biographies of our missionaries for use in Sunday School or as needed. Burlingame Baptist Church is asking us to write a letter opposing a change in the law on prostitution. The meeting approved sending a letter.

Roy Curts asked Earl Perisho to inform us about a request by letter. Donald Edmonson has asked if he can make a presentation about Twin Rocks Camp during the Sunday School opening on March 27. Milt Asher, Sunday School Superintendent, has approved this. Donald Edmonson has also asked if he may give a ten-minute presentation to explain the Great Commission Budget during the Sunday morning service on March 27. Earl Perisho was asked to contact him and invite him to come for both talks.

Quentin Nordyke has suggested that he bring an explanation about next year’s yearly meeting budget to our church on March 30, at the Wednesday night meeting.

Charles Lamm, Spiritual Life Chair, reported that there had been no committee meeting.

Friends Focus had a good article on our church, so John Hays thanked Roy and Gertrude Curts for this.

John reminded the Nominating Committee that they need to begin work. Lois Friend was appointed to serve on the area nominating committee. Vern Weedman was thanked for the new shelving in the library.

The group sent greetings with George and Maggie Melton to their church in Alaska.

Charles Lamm closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

9 February 1977

Lois Perisho read from Acts 10:1–8. John Hays urged us to be prompt in obeying all urging and leading of the Holy Spirit. Several prayer requests were made, and a time of prayer followed.

Greenleaf Academy sent a card acknowledging a contribution from the church in memory of Zenas Perisho and expressed their appreciation.

A thank-you card from the Mannens was read, expressing their thanks and appreciation for the calls, flowers, cards, and prayers of the church for Chuck during his illness and surgery.

A request for transfer of membership of Marilyn Richey Crover to the Halsey United Methodist Church was granted.

Pastor Perisho gave his monthly report, and it was approved.

John Hays said they had a letter from John and Bobbi Ogilvie in which they sent greetings to the church.

Stewardship Committee Chair Roy Curts reported on recent board meetings in Idaho. Only about 60 percent of the 1976–1977 budget was pledged by the churches. There is a substantial deficit. Each church is asked to consider this and help as much as possible. He presented a request from our pastor to move his office to the library, which is more suitable in many ways. This request was granted. The library will be moved into the present office. The secretary’s office will remain where it is.

Spiritual Life Chair Charles Lamm read a letter from Arthur Roberts in regard to bringing Jess Mesa from Pico Rivera Friends Church in California to this area for visitation ministry among the Mexican Americans. Also for consulting our churches concerning outreach among them. No funds were budgeted for such a ministry by the yearly meeting, and individual churches would have to respond to make this possible. It was felt that we were not in a position to help with this at this time.

Outreach Chair Vernon Weedman reported a letter from Elenita Bales to see if we are interested in sending a representative to a workshop with Dean Johnson if one could be arranged in our yearly meeting on an area basis. Johnson is the coordinator of Friends Disaster Service, which is sponsored by the Friends Action Board of Evangelical Friends Church – Eastern Region – at Damascus, Ohio. Harold Larson offered to attend such a workshop if one could be held in the area. This was approved, and Vernon is to send the information back to Elenita Bales. Vernon also had a letter from Roseanne McNeil, coordinator for Second Wind of Metropolitan Youth Commission. They wish our support for a youth-organized food drive for agencies which are trying to meet emergency food needs in the Tri-County area. The drive will be on Feb. 27, 1977. The meeting wishes Vernon to answer that our church maintains a food supply to meet local needs as they are brought to our attention. Our church will hold its own “Second Wind” to stock our kitchen on February 27, 1977.

Stan Muhr reported on our youth work. He is sponsoring our group at Junior High Jamboree at Twin Rocks this weekend. This group is growing, also the Sunday school class. The cost of the jamboree will be about $100, and they have funds for this. These funds will need to be replaced, and Stan is to let us know when more is needed. He asked our prayers for the youth work and the Sunday school class and asked that we be faithful to encourage them and express our appreciation of them.

A concern was expressed that more news of our church be sent to Evangelical Friend. A news report was sent recently and should appear in the next issue. Concern was expressed also about Ellen Harper’s illness and the possibility of her finding a place at Southwest Indian School where she could help them. Our pastor was asked to write to the Lunds in regard to this, if they might have an opening.

Abridged from notes provided by Leona Lamm, Recording Clerk pro tem

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