Steve Perisho led the congregational hymn, “What a Friend,” with Jeanne Weedman accompanying. Scripture was read by Lois Perisho (Proverbs 16:1–4 and 9). John Hays gave some thoughts about the church’s planning and goals. Praise and prayer followed.
Ernest Pearson gave the treasurer’s report which was approved.
Roy Curts gave the stewardship report and reminded us about some large bills due the next few months. The budgeted item as missionary support to Ruth Epperson was transferred to Clair Lund. The meeting approved that the Stewardship Committee be authorized to borrow from the building fund for the general fund to keep current bills paid for October if necessary. The North Plains house is being sold by the Woods family, so our church will receive payment in about a week. (The money will go into the building fund.) Roy was asked to check on estimates to resurface the driveway.
Vernon Weedman reported for the Outreach Committee. An Outreach Conference is planned for three Sundays.
Earl Perisho gave a report. Lois Perisho was thanked for volunteering two afternoons a week in the church office. Dennis Beebe and Larry Gonzales were thanked for the painting they did.
Spiritual Life Chair Martha Epperson brought a recommendation to invite Roy Clark to speak to our church the evening of November 6 and to release our pastor to visit their church of West Chehalem, which was assigned as a prayer partner by the yearly meeting. Earl Perisho reported about yearly meeting goals for the week of November 6–13: Intercessory Prayer Week. The group approved the release of Earl Perisho the evening of November 6.
The Education Committee report was given by Dorothy Neidigh. A letter from Greenleaf asks for gifts to help with finances and will be posted. A request was made for a leader for the Christmas program. Junior Friends Youth needs a sponsor; LaVern has resigned. (Vernon Weedman volunteered for the position of sponsor of Junior Friends Youth if someone else took his Sunday School teaching job.)
The Nominating report names Ruth Epperson on the Stewardship Committee and Clarence Combs as a trustee. Accepted.
Stanley and LaVern Muhr with Eric, Adam, and Christina asked West Chehalem Friends Church, Newberg, to transfer their membership to our church. Accepted.
Harold Larson suggested that the pews need refinishing. Steve Perisho volunteered the Youth Group’s help. The Stewardship Committee was charged with beginning the project.
Pearl Pearson closed with prayer.
Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk