John Hays, clerk, led devotions by reading Psalm 145:14–21 and by discussing it. A time of prayer followed.
Communication included a thank you from Almeda Hays for the plant and prayers.
Brian and Janice Beals asked by letter that their memberships and that of their boys (Brad, Craig, Corey) be dropped from membership. It was approved.
Harold Larson brought recommendations from the Spiritual Life Committee: Joe Merriss asked to have his name removed from membership. It was approved. The committee recommended that the meeting approve the use of the church facilities for a Men With Vision meeting on September 19 as requested by Ernest Pearson. The committee recommended that Pearl Pearson coordinate the telephoning and also recommended that the phoning begin the week of September 12. Approved.
Outreach Committee Chair Vernon Weedman reported on a letter from the food bank asking for room to store food. If anyone has room or food, they should contact Vernon.
John Hays reported on the Stewardship Committee’s work on the parsonage.
Connie Larson reported on the Yearly Meeting. Next year our representatives’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers need to be sent in ahead of time. Also, next year, the yearly meeting will ask whether they should join Friends World Committee for Consultation. The new EFA Missions Plan was approved. Yearly Meeting is consiering assessing each curch by 10 percent of their budget instead of the current pledge to the Great Commission. Yearly Meeting endorsed federal legislation to establish a Peace Academy and to allow the option that wage earners could request that their taxes not be used for military expenditures.
Earl Perisho reported that he had a good session at the church growth seminar (Focus on Strategy and Nurture) from which he just returned.
Harold Larson recommended that the Stewardship Committee hang drapes in the kitchen, above the front door, and provide some shade for the church office windows. This was heartily approved since the evening was very warm!
Leona Lamm closed with prayer.
Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk