An instrumental group opened our meeting by playing “Take the World, but Give Me Jesus,” and then everyone sang two verses of this hymn. Lois Perisho read Psalm 138. John Hays brought the ideas that we all need to adore the Lord and appreciate the things he has done for us.
Spiritual Life Committee Chair Charles Lamm asked Martha Epperson to read the minutes from their meeting. Charles Lamm then explained that Dennis Beebe wants to work in a church while attending George Fox College next year. He is coming for an interview. The Spiritual Life Committee recommended that the meeting budget $150 for Earl Perisho to attend workshops with John Wimber in August and October. Then if we follow up with our focus and use their materials, we would be asked to pay an additional $125 to $150. The meeting referred this to the budget committee so the funds would be available.
Stewardship Committee Chair Roy Curts reported that the parsonage has been repaired and painted, so it’s in good shape. Western Evangelical Seminary has asked for pledges to help their program. Camp Tilikum has also asked for funds. The Stewardship Committee was directed to bring a recommendation to the meeting on these items.
Earl Perisho recommended that married couples attend the Marriage Encounter Sessions in the Portland area on May 20–22. He mentioned a workshop on June 1 and 2 to help church leaders minister to families. It is sponsored by the yearly meeting and by Western Evangelical Seminary. The cost would be $25 for anyone who could attend.
Roy Curts brought a recommendation that the church pay for expenses for our pastor to travel from Denver, where he will be vacationing with his family, to the conference in Wichita. The meeting approved that this love offering be given to the treasurer by anyone who wishes. An announcement will be placed in the bulletin. A minimum of $140 will be paid.
Pearl Pearson reported on the Focus calling. She said they have averaged over 100 calls a night. She suggested that the clerk write a note of thanks for the use of the insurance office for this telephoning. It was also suggested that a note be sent so the office could deduct this as a donation since they allowed the church to use the office on Monday evenings.
Spiritual Life Committee chair reported on his budget requests that he’s giving to Roy Curts as Stewardship chair.
John Hays asked for permission to purchase the old windows in the parsonage attic. He is to decide on a price with Roy Curts.
Roy Curts also mentioned that his committee is still working on next year’s budget. He asked that if anyone is interested in making pledges toward the Vietnamese support, it would help the budget since fewer designated funds are coming in each month than have been pledged. Our budget will be larger next year, but God has so greatly helped us this past year.
The meeting was closed with everyone singing “Blest Be the Tie that Binds.”
Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk