Steve Perisho led the group in singing “What a Friend.”
George and Maggie Melton from Kotzebue brought greetings with a song, testimonies, and Bible verses.
Colossians 4:2–6 was read by Lois Perisho. Then John Hays reminded us that we need to pray, to watch (be careful in all we do), be bold, talk freely (say exactly what we mean), capitalize on our opportunities, make our talk sensible, be gracious, and focus on growth of Hillsboro Friends Church.
Correspondence included acknowledgment of membership transfers for Marilyn Crover and Gloria Pursley. Christian Education Commission, Evangelical Friends Alliance, sent a letter asking for an Easter offering for mission work in Mexico City. Our church will participate. George Fox College sent a letter recommending four students who are offering their services to hold meetings.
Dorothy Neidigh from the Education Committee mentioned the letter from a Christian television station, UHF Channel 24, which asks for funds. The meeting decided to write for more information and also to contact the yearly meeting.
Roy Curts, Stewardship Chair, mentioned the Great Commission Budget and the need for funds. A lawn mower was purchased, and designated funds are needed to pay for it.
Vernon Weedman, Outreach Committee Chair, said he has received a letter from Ralph Chapman with short biographies of our missionaries for use in Sunday School or as needed. Burlingame Baptist Church is asking us to write a letter opposing a change in the law on prostitution. The meeting approved sending a letter.
Roy Curts asked Earl Perisho to inform us about a request by letter. Donald Edmonson has asked if he can make a presentation about Twin Rocks Camp during the Sunday School opening on March 27. Milt Asher, Sunday School Superintendent, has approved this. Donald Edmonson has also asked if he may give a ten-minute presentation to explain the Great Commission Budget during the Sunday morning service on March 27. Earl Perisho was asked to contact him and invite him to come for both talks.
Quentin Nordyke has suggested that he bring an explanation about next year’s yearly meeting budget to our church on March 30, at the Wednesday night meeting.
Charles Lamm, Spiritual Life Chair, reported that there had been no committee meeting.
Friends Focus had a good article on our church, so John Hays thanked Roy and Gertrude Curts for this.
John reminded the Nominating Committee that they need to begin work. Lois Friend was appointed to serve on the area nominating committee. Vern Weedman was thanked for the new shelving in the library.
The group sent greetings with George and Maggie Melton to their church in Alaska.
Charles Lamm closed with prayer.
Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk