Lois Perisho read from Acts 10:1–8. John Hays urged us to be prompt in obeying all urging and leading of the Holy Spirit. Several prayer requests were made, and a time of prayer followed.
Greenleaf Academy sent a card acknowledging a contribution from the church in memory of Zenas Perisho and expressed their appreciation.
A thank-you card from the Mannens was read, expressing their thanks and appreciation for the calls, flowers, cards, and prayers of the church for Chuck during his illness and surgery.
A request for transfer of membership of Marilyn Richey Crover to the Halsey United Methodist Church was granted.
Pastor Perisho gave his monthly report, and it was approved.
John Hays said they had a letter from John and Bobbi Ogilvie in which they sent greetings to the church.
Stewardship Committee Chair Roy Curts reported on recent board meetings in Idaho. Only about 60 percent of the 1976–1977 budget was pledged by the churches. There is a substantial deficit. Each church is asked to consider this and help as much as possible. He presented a request from our pastor to move his office to the library, which is more suitable in many ways. This request was granted. The library will be moved into the present office. The secretary’s office will remain where it is.
Spiritual Life Chair Charles Lamm read a letter from Arthur Roberts in regard to bringing Jess Mesa from Pico Rivera Friends Church in California to this area for visitation ministry among the Mexican Americans. Also for consulting our churches concerning outreach among them. No funds were budgeted for such a ministry by the yearly meeting, and individual churches would have to respond to make this possible. It was felt that we were not in a position to help with this at this time.
Outreach Chair Vernon Weedman reported a letter from Elenita Bales to see if we are interested in sending a representative to a workshop with Dean Johnson if one could be arranged in our yearly meeting on an area basis. Johnson is the coordinator of Friends Disaster Service, which is sponsored by the Friends Action Board of Evangelical Friends Church – Eastern Region – at Damascus, Ohio. Harold Larson offered to attend such a workshop if one could be held in the area. This was approved, and Vernon is to send the information back to Elenita Bales. Vernon also had a letter from Roseanne McNeil, coordinator for Second Wind of Metropolitan Youth Commission. They wish our support for a youth-organized food drive for agencies which are trying to meet emergency food needs in the Tri-County area. The drive will be on Feb. 27, 1977. The meeting wishes Vernon to answer that our church maintains a food supply to meet local needs as they are brought to our attention. Our church will hold its own “Second Wind” to stock our kitchen on February 27, 1977.
Stan Muhr reported on our youth work. He is sponsoring our group at Junior High Jamboree at Twin Rocks this weekend. This group is growing, also the Sunday school class. The cost of the jamboree will be about $100, and they have funds for this. These funds will need to be replaced, and Stan is to let us know when more is needed. He asked our prayers for the youth work and the Sunday school class and asked that we be faithful to encourage them and express our appreciation of them.
A concern was expressed that more news of our church be sent to Evangelical Friend. A news report was sent recently and should appear in the next issue. Concern was expressed also about Ellen Harper’s illness and the possibility of her finding a place at Southwest Indian School where she could help them. Our pastor was asked to write to the Lunds in regard to this, if they might have an opening.
Abridged from notes provided by Leona Lamm, Recording Clerk pro tem