John Hays led a devotional on Psalm 100. “To God Be the Glory” was sung, and then a time of prayer followed.
Treasurer’s report was approved. It was reported that we are short $10 on the scholarship fund.
Spiritual Life committee recommended that we dismiss the evening service for the area rally on October 8. It was approved.
They also recommended that the Sunday evening service be changed from 7 p.m. to 6 p.m. This was tabled until next monthly meeting in order to pray about it.
They reported that Armen Gesswein might be able to come for some meetings.
Stewardship committee recommended withdrawing interest from the time certificate to pay for the scholarship fund. It was approved.
It was decided to fill the potholes with the hot mix and haul it ourselves as it will be under $100 per 6 tons. Roy Curz will work out the date, and, weather permitting, we’ll fill the holes.
Education committee reported that the junior and senior youth would be divided in lessons, and they will have activities together.
The Christmas program will be at 4 p.m. on December 17.
Outreach committee reported on Trang, Van, and Ngoc. The committee will bring a recommendation on this report next monthly meeting.
Abridged from notes provided by Denise White, Recording Clerk