John Hays led a devotional encouraging each person to talk to others we meet and tell them about the Lord. A prayer time followed.
The treasurer’s report, given by Ernest Pearson, was approved.
Clackamas Park Friends Church will hold the Area Rally on May 7 at 7 p.m. Pastor Howard E. Harmon also asked for the name of a representative to meet April 30 at 4 p.m. on the area nominating committee. Connie Larson accepted the position.
VBS leader Linda Keener is beginning work. Saturday morning at 8 a.m., a breakfast is being planned for anyone interested in helping at Vacation Bible School.
Roy Curts, Stewardship Committee chair gave “bouquets of thanks” to Clarence and Martha Combs for the rose bushes; Earl Perisho and Andy Mills for finding blacktop and spreading it; Clarence Combs for volunteering to put the crash bar on the back door as required by the fire marshal. Anyone wanting to help assist should contact Clarence.
The Stewardship Committee recommended that the Sunday School Superintendent ask everyone to return books to the racks carefully so books are not damaged by the bottom board. The committee asked the monthly meeting to decide whether a reader board could be added to report church attendance, financial status for the month, etc. No decision was made. The committee requested permission to draw funds from savings if needed to meet April bills. The monthly meeting authorized Ernest Pearson and Roy Curts to handle this together. Roy suggested a clean-up day, and the group set the date as April 22 at 10 a.m.
George Fox College sent approval for matching fund scholarships: Ray White $100, Dennis Beebe $300, and Logi Mills $300.
Youth group reported that they may pick up newspapers on Saturday.
Spiritual Life Committee recommends the following for active membership: Jenise Beebe and Dennis Beebe, Ray White and Denise White, Stephen Perisho, Lois Perisho. For affiliate membership: Logi Mills, Andy Mills. Approved.
Piano tuning is being done by Roy Clark. The monthly meeting approved giving him not less than $50.
The Chancelors have asked for a meal after the program on April 18. Jenise Beebe and Denise White will be in charge of planning a meal for them and asking others to bring food.
Charles Lamm closed with prayer.
Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk