The group sang “Love Lifted Me” and “Wonderful Peace.” Lois Perisho read 1 Chronicles 16:23–29. John Hays led a devotional on the thought that each person should daily declare that He is Lord. A time of prayer followed.
Lynwood Friends Church sent a communication that they disapproved joining FWCC.
Education Committee report given by Dorothy Neidigh said that anyone attending the George Fox College Christian Education Conference needs to pre-register to save on fees. GFC matching fund scholarships have been sent for Logi Mills ($300), Dennis Beebe ($300), and Ray White ($100). $535 has been pledged or paid. $165 is needed yet.
Roy Curts resigned as yearly meeting representative, so Pearl Pearson was appointed. The monthly meeting informed Pearl Pearson and Connie Larson that the monthly meeting is in favor of changing the time the representatives take office. But the meeting left a latitude for the two reps to do as they feel led.
Stewardship Committee Chair Roy Curts asked if the meeting would approve selling the four extra pews from the church. It’s possible that they could be sold for $2 a foot. Not approved. The yearly meeting suggests the annual offering for emergency aid of pastors be held February 5. The committee suggests that we have the offering the evening of March 5 instead. Diagonal parking has been suggested for beside the church. An automatic door closer would cost $45 to $55. The committee does not feel the budget can afford this unless there is a donation for it. The budget reported a $30 average debt each month for the last seven months. John Hays reminded us to pray for the budget. Martha Epperson asked for united prayer on Saturday for the budget.
Earl Perisho gave a pastor’s report. Approved.
Treasurer’s report given by Lois Friend was approved.
Outreach Committee Chair Vernon Weedman reported that the committee changed its meeting time to the Thursday before monthly meeting. They felt the last missionary conference was the best ever.
Friends youth groups are playing volleyball Saturday with others from the area.
Spiritual Life recommended that Ruth Epperson be accepted as an active member. Approved.
John Hays asked that the business meeting be kept organized and short.
The Friendship Banquet will be held at North’s Chuckwagon at 6:30 Friday night.
A week from Sunday night, the Billy Graham film, “Shiokari Pass,” will be shown. Earl asked that we publicize the film and personally invite as many as possible.
Roy Curts closed with prayer.
Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk