After a time of devotions, prayer was led by Charles Lamm.
Vernon Pursley sent a note of thanks for the high school gradution gift of a New Testament.
Spiritual Life Committee recommends that the following items in regard to memberships be approved: 1) First Church of God at Roseburg, Oregon, requests that the membership of John and Barbara Ogilvie be transferred to their church. 2) Membership of Irene Ellis, Paul and Judith Miller be withdrawn at their request.
Spiritual Life Committee appreciated receiving recent correspondence from Mary Lou Peck and the Ray Warner family indicating that they wish to continue their memberships at our church.
Contract with the pastor, Earl Perisho, was approved for the 1977–1978 year. It includes a salary of $9,600 per year, plus $4,800 housing allowance, and $2,400 car allowance with four weeks vacation.
Stewardship Committee reports that items were not included in the budget for Western Evangelical Seminary or for Camp Tilikum but urges individuals to make contributions to them.
Letters are to be sent to the yearly meeting recommending that the following changes be considered: 1) Change of the Discipline in regard to term of service of representatives appointed by the local churches to the Yearly Meeting sessions so that it is not necessary to name them a year in advance. 2) Yearly Meeting instruct the treasurer to disburse Great Commission income on a percentage basis each month to all items in the budget.
Abridged from notes provided by Lois Friend, Recording Clerk, pro-tem