John Hays led a devotional. Steve Perisho led the song, “What a Friend.” John Hays asked questions to prompt everyone to think about how Christians can work together and can cheer each other. Lois Perisho read Phillipians 2:1, 2. Several from the meeting added comments about Christian warmth and love. Prayer requests were given, and a time of prayer followed.
John read a letter from the Oregon Rural Opportunities asking for food for Thanksgiving baskets. The meeting decided to check into coordinating Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets.
The Hillsboro Thanksgiving service is to be held on November 21, 7:30 p.m., at the Hillsboro Church of the Nazarene. The meeting decided to dismiss our services so our people could attend.
A report was given by Earl Perisho on the findings after he contacted A Child’s Place. He felt they may no longer need a place to hold their day care.
A written treasurer’s report was submitted by Ernest Pearson to clerk John Hays who then summarized it for the meeting since Ernest was not present.
Earl listed many calls and meetings in his report. He also appreciates Stan and LaVern Muhr and their work with the youth. John Hays suggested we help, as individuals, with financial support of the youth group activities.
Spiritual Life Committee Chair Charles Lamm reported that he felt the plans for the special missionary meetings are falling into place very well.
Vern Weedman, Outreach Committee Chair, reported that Norval Hadley was scheduled to speak November 28 for the Sunday morning service on faith promise pledges. There will be a film for the evening service November 28. Everett Clarkson may be able to speak both at the end and the beginning of our missionary conference emphasis.
Vern Weedman mentioned the letter from the World Relief Commission asking for a Thanksgiving offering for overseas. The yearly meeting suggests that each person give $1. The meeting decided to take an offering November 14 at the Sunday evening service. This is to be mentioned in the Sunday moring bulletin.
Vern mentioned a letter from the Tri-County Community Council asking for Thanksgiving offerings and baskets. The meeting decided to collect food for our Vietnamese family as a Thanksgiving basket.
Roy Curts reported on the finances for the Stewardship Committee. He suggested that the budget increase the pastor’s travel budget by $50 a month. $100 increase was suggested to be added to the Education Committee for Sunday School expenses. He suggested we add $5 more per month to support for Ruth Epperson, beginning November 1. The committee suggests putting $500 aditional funds into the janitorial fund ($50 a month), and the balance is to pay for yard work. The unified budget was left the same. Roy said the taxes have been paid for 1975-6, and the monthly payments are up to date until November 10 on the North Plains property.
Roy and Gertrude Curts were approved as the janitors effective December 1.
Roy mentioned that the furnace inspector said a vent to the outside is needed.
Discussion was held on outside use of the nursery by groups who have community Bible studies. Earl Perisho was asked to call on members to help open the church if he is unable to be at the church.
The Education Committee report was given by Dorothy Neidigh. The youth group bank cards were turned over to the Muhrs. The Christmas program is scheduled for December 19 at 4 p.m. with a fellowship time following.
Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk