John Hays led a devotional and asked Steve Perisho to lead a song. Lois Perisho read the Scripture from Psalms 135:1-5, 23
The Nominating Committee suggested Nadine Asher serve as recording clerk to take the minutes. Approved.
A thank-you note from Milt Asher was read. He thanked the church for his scholarship.
A letter from A Child’s Place was discussed to see if we had facilities they could use for their day care center. Earl Perisho will check into the particulars.
Acknowledgment of the transfer of the Leonard family was received.
Chuck, Vicky, and Autumn Orwiler requested by letter that their membership be transferred to Newberg Friends Church.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Ernest Pearson. Approved.
Roy Curts suggested putting some of the money from the building fund into timed certificates so it would draw interest. After discussion, it was decided to have Ernest Pearson transfer $2,000 into the type of certificate(s) he finds best when he checks into details.
Charles Lamm said the Spiritual Life Committee recommends starting a special faith promise pledge program. The chairs of the Spiritual Life and Outreach committees were asked to organize this and get speakers for a special mission emphasis kick-off. Spiritual Life also recommends that we ask the Greenleaf Male Quartet and their wives to hold a special emphasis December 10 (evening), December 11 (afternoon with an evening potluck and evening meeting), and December 12 (for Sunday morning worship service).
Spiritual Life also asked for approval that $100 be put into the budget for the Social Committee. Approved.
Roy Curts called for a revision of the budget and suggested a meeting for this purpose. He asked that the chair of each committee attend.
The Outreach Committee chair, Vernon Weedman, encouraged each person to write to a Northwest Yearly Meeting missionary and to vote during the general election on November 2.
Charles Lamm reported that he wrote a letter to Kotzebue to thank them for the Danny Thomas family’s visit and for the Perishos.
Leona Lamm closed the meeting with prayer.
Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk