Presiding Clerk John Hays opened the meeting with devotions from Galatians 5:22, 23. He then asked for prayer requests or praise notes.
Martha Epperson wishes her name dropped as second alternate as YM Representative because of responsibilities to WMU at that time.
A discussion on the Vietnamese family took place. Vern Weedman reported that Trang wanted to be released from church support and have jobs. However, the jobs are only summer jobs, and they would need support again when they return to school. John Carr added that Trang feels that the church is now too small to continue their support as originally set up. John Hays noted that adequate funds have still been coming in to cover them. Vern Weedman recommended continuation of their support.
Nadine Asher reported that the Friends Youth funds check-up is incomplete because no new officers have been elected, so she can’t get the information. $281.08 is in the checking account. A card has been partially signed to release the funds and will be turned in to the Treasurer until a new Youth Group forms.
A letter from Clackamas Park Friends Church transferring the memberships of Jim and Jeanne Leonard and minor children Brent, Barbara, Matthew, and Chad was read. It was dated August 17, 1975, but only recently received. The memberships were accepted, and the omission of Shawn Leonard will be asked about.
Vicky Orwiler’s resignation as Recording Clerk was read. It was tabled.
A request for membership transfers of Oscar and Ruth Brown to North Valley Friends Church was read and approved.
Charlie Lamm will continue as chairman of Spiritual Life. Charlie reported that the committee’s meeting with Earl Perisho was good.
Vernon Weedman will serve as new chairman of Outreach.
Dorothy Neidigh is to be the new chairman of Education.
Roy Curts was chosen to be chairman of Stewardship. He reported that Mr. Woods is four months behind in his payments on the North Plains property. Roy recommends that we present them with an ultimatum to have all back payments paid by September 1, or the church would take legal action. Roy’s recommendatrion was approved. A delegation consisting of John Hays, Roy Curts, and Vern Weedman will inform Mr. Woods of the decision. Living arrangements for Pastor Perisho were discussed but tabled until he arrives and can give us an idea of what he needs. Roy will continue to do the yard work for the duration of the summer.
John Carr reported on the “Here’s Life, Portland” outreach campaign from Campus Crusade and advised us not to participate because the work involved requires more members than we currently have. Approved not to enter the program. John Carr reported that he has made several contacts with one pastoral call. He appreciates your prayer support and the office help.
The previously tabled resignation of Vicky Orwiler as Recording Clerk was considered and accepted. The open position will be referred to the Nomination Committee.
Abridged from notes provided by Vicky Orwiler, Recording Clerk