Brian Beals opened the meeting with Scripture and prayer. Afterward, Brian turned the meeting over to Walt King, Chairman of the Outreach Board.
Walt presented the need of having a service for the Mid-High students during their free time. He proposed that we use the parsonage for a “drop-in” center that would offer table games and other forms of clean activities for kids.
Jim Leonard reported that he made contact with the schools through an individual at a ministerial meeting. The representative from the high school was asking for the church’s participation. Jim asked him about the “drop-in” center, and he was enthusiastic about the idea.
Al Hugget, vice principal of Mid-High, attended this business meeting. He re-emphasized the need for community cooperation. Because of staggered schedules at Mid-High, some students have free time in the mornings and afternoons that is misused. Our church can help.
Henry Lande expressed appreciation for our understanding with his delinquent rent and his gratitude for our compassion. Henry also promised that he was a man who met his responsibilities, and he would repay us when he is able.
The Outreach Board recommended that the parsonage be converted into a “drop-in” center for Mid-High students and that it would be open in the morning, at noon, during afternoons, and on some evenings.
Abridged from notes provided by Chuck Orwiler, Recording Clerk